dijous, 16 de desembre del 2010

Human rights

0. Take the Quiz: do you know about rights?
My score was 28/41. I think that my level is well because I am familiar to this topic.

1. What are human rights?
Human rights are rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled and doesn't matter the distinction about the humans ( colour, ideas,race....).

2. When did human rights start?
The humans rights had been approved on the 10th of December 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This has been achived to through pressure about humans in all history.

3. Why were they created?
They were created to remove the problems with the humans as there were many people enslaved and they hadn’t a protection for them.

4. How many human rights are there?
It contains 30 articles where explains the rights about each human.

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?
I think that I am familiar with it, because are very important and necessary for persons to live in peace and harmony. Therefore the human rights are very important and the first is as important as the last.

6. Choose one human right and discuss:

- Watch the video of your human right
- Is it fully respected in your country today? Justify with news, comments, studies on the subject (cite the links of your information sources)

Do you know if it has been respected in the past? Why or why not?

“ No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.”

Because sometimes does not occur for example in the disco, if the porter doesn’t want you enter no reason. Today this human right not meet fully but thirty or forty years ago the policeman lived abusing everyone.
Formerly in my village one policeman to another villaje went to a bar in my villaje, hit the people in bar and never paid.
I know this information because my father explain to me about this topic.

7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? why?
The human rights are very important for the people can live happy because if this rights not met, we wouldn’t a good live.
I think that must be more rights to have a perfect live.