dissabte, 21 de maig del 2011


I think that I was getting better on this year, in all areas. In the orals presentation I think that my freedom, my pronunciation and my vocabulary are better as well the podcast because the last one is much better than the podcast of last year because I’m not so nervous to talk. About the exams, it’s more complicated and I think I have maked a good progress for this course, and in the last review I got a 6. In the writing I was learning a lot of the new expressions.

For me “English class” is the best your say that I made in this course and the oral presentation “My research project”, part of the second term. As regard the activities more helpful I think that the blog, although it’s difficult. Help because is the fifty per cent of the mark, you have time to prepare yourself and also improve the level of English of the person in general, and with the oral presentation you can improve the vocabulary, pronunciation, the nervous, attention, etc.

I think that all the activities of the course are good, because if not it doesn’t exist. Of course all the activities are helpful, for example reding, listening, the activities that we do in the Idiom Class.

In general it seems all good and you learn a lot. But the more funny is the Blog, because you can give your opinion about a lot of subjects. I think apart from to be a interesting is more important for learning and is a good opportunity to get a good mark because you have a long time to do it.

I have been happy to do again "your says" and augment my level of English a little bit.


Me: How long are you working?

Mr. Watermelon: I work from 8 am to 8 pm but I stop to eat.

Me: This work is very difficult?

Mr. Watermelon: Is more easy than years ago but you can be work a lot of hours.

Me: Ok, How much do you earn one month?

Mr. Watermelon: I win aproximately 1000 euros more o less but depend to the work that you doing, is possible win 2000 euros.

Me: Do you like your job?

Mr. Watermelon: Yes, but I would prefer to be an archited or teacher because is more easy and you win more money.

Me: Ok, now the work es difficult, do you have problems to live with your work?

Mr. Watermelon: Yes, but is necessary work a lot.

Me: Thank you for your time.

Mr. Watermelon: Bye bye.

Pontiac gto is a car of 1965 and is an incredible car. The engine is very big with 360 CV and recorded 0–97 km/h in 5.8 seconds.

I like this car because I like very the American cars because have an incredible power, are very beutiful car and you can crazy with it and also be faster.

In my opinion the Pontiac gto are very beatiful because have a chameleon paint and aesthetics are diferent to the rest. I'm surpriced with this car because although is old, isn't ugly and undeveloped, therefore is spectacular achievements with this car.

In conclusion Gto is my favourite car along with Shelby Mustang GT 500 and my dream is to have one of these.

My Dogs

My favorite animal is the dog specially because is a intelligent animal, I have two German Shepherd , he´s very playful and cheerful. I really like the dogs because I think that are very funny, naughty and can will be your best friend.

I have two dogs, the father and his son, they are the ones of photography and are incredibles. Their names are Rex and Many and their age five years and two months.

I chose these dogs because the German Shepherd breed is incredible, most of these dogs are very respectful and disciplined.

In my opinion I have two incredible dogs and they keep me company and for me are the best dogs in the world.


I live on a Mesones street . It' s the more important street of my town and also is beautiful street where each house is old.

There are benches, trees and plants everywhere. The number 25 is my house. If you look my house you would know which one is.

The are two garages but at the third plant the living room is the first room when entering the house. This room is big, and there are many furniture.

Furthermore there are three more rooms. My brother room is just as big and have a red colour. Parents room is also decorated with old furniture, for example have a trunk of the great grandfather of my mum.

My room is the most important because when I come home from work or school, I spend most of my time in my room. I remember, when I was little, I was always sent to my room. My room is covered with band posters and also there are a many photos on my wall.

In conclusion I have a confortable house and I don't want another.


MotoGP is the world showpiece motorcycle speed mode. Since 4 years ago I see this competition and I really like because is very exciting, and also I have so much fun.

Before watching Moto GP I saw Formula 1 and also was exciting but after, was boring because ever won the same and my favourite pilot Fernando Alonso didn't win.

On the other hand my favourite Pilot of Moto GP is Jorge Lorenzo because he's crazy and therefore he risks much and for me, is incredible his way of driving beacause is different to the rest.

Furthermore Moto GP have different categories, depend of the engine and there are three categories 125cc, 400cc and 800cc.

In my opinion is a good sport and also interesting, I think that If you see this competition you will like and you will enjoy a lot, because in racing can happen anything and can change all.

dijous, 19 de maig del 2011

Los Delinquentes(offenders)

This is my favourite music group and the name is offenders, they have this name because there are a lot naughty. Is a Spanish group and components from Andalucía doing incredible rumba music.

At first had one more singer and his name was Miguel but he died in 2004 with 21 years old because he ingested a drug.

He was he was a better singer than the singer of now but the current singer works hard on stage and writing songs.

I have seen this group two times, the first in my village in Jaén and the other in Figueres and I had fun a lot because is spectacular because they encourage the public.

In my opinion is a group that have worked harder and they have been very successful and now, they still have it.

In conclusion this is a interesting group and I hope that you can listen another song from them.

dimarts, 17 de maig del 2011

Japan's disaster

Last 11th of march 2011 was a tsunami in the Eastern of Japan and distroy the coast of Japan.

The tsunami swept everything found and caused that the people died, were approximately 6400 but there are missing persons.

Still some people died because they don't have food or drinking water and neither a place to live.

Appart of this problem have had another problem more dangerous and is the nuclear power station, because the tsunami caused a problem in Fukushima and the refrigeration system didn't work. For this reason the Japan's government is concerned with this problem because the Power Station can exploit and this could cause nuclear pollution.

I think that the nuclear energy is neccessary to have to live like today but is dangerous and I don't like a lot because the same earthquake can occur here in Europe If the tectonics plates move.

dijous, 12 de maig del 2011

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic is a country to South America and is a well place to pass a good holidays. Moreover this country is very beutiful because have a lot of incredible beaches, a well culture and also I meet a men to this country.

On the other hand If I go to Dominican Republic I will see him and he can take me and we will go to the beache and Santo Domingo, the capital of this country. As Dominican Republic is the most important exporters of rum, I will buy a rum bottle because is more tasty and more cheap than Spain.

I think that Dominican Republic is a fantastic place to visit and also I never I left of Europe. In my opinion the price is expensive because is far but If you bring 1000 euros you will be the king of Dominican Republic during your holidays because you will can buy a lot of things and do whatever you like.

dimecres, 11 de maig del 2011


Yesterday my favourite team Real Madrid won agains Getafe 0-4 and Cristiano Ronaldo maked three goals. This player is incredible because the last Saturday he maked four goals and this is very important to win the Golden Boot.

Now he has more goals than Messi, five specifically with 37 goals in league. Telmo Zarra ( of Atletic Club of Bilbao) and Hugo Sánchez ( for Real Madrid) have the historic record with 38 goals in league.

In my opinion I think that now is more difficult make goals in the Spanish League but I'm not sure, anyway I hope that Ronaldo will get more goals that these incredible players Zarra and Sánchez and will be difficult to break this record.

For me Ronaldo is a extraordinary football player and no one like him. Let's go Ronaldo you can get this!

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2011

A song

Eminem - 8mile

This is the song of the 8 mile film, where the main character is Eminem and this song explain a summery of his life. Somewhat the life on film is very similar to real life of Eminem, he's a person that has worked to get a Hip Hop artist.

On the other hand I like this song, because is very long and rhymes are very interesting and also he say an interesting things. For me is the best rapper abroad and this song and "Lose yourself" are my favourites songs of Eminem.

In conclusion although you don't like Eminem you should listen his songs to understand the Hip Hop and his talent.

Eminem - 8 Mile Road
(It's okay, it's okay. I'm gonna make it anyway.)

Sometimes I just feel like

Quittin I still might

Why do I put up this fight?

Why do I still write?

Sometimes it's hard enough steal from the real life

Sometimes I wanna jump on stage and just kill mics

And show these people what my level of skill's like

But I'm still white

Sometimes I just hate life

Somethin ain't right

Hit the breaklights

In case of the stage fright

Draw on the blank light

(Uhh, But if I fall, It ain't my fault, Breakin eyeballs, Myinsides crawl)

And I clam up (SMASH!)

I just slam shut

I just can't do it

My whole manhood's just been stripped

I've just been ripped

So I must been dipped

Or the bustin split

Man fuck this shit yo

I'm goin the fuck home

Rollin my shoulders as I run back to this 8 Mile Rd.


I'm a man

I'ma make a new plan

Time for me to stand up and travel new land

Time for me to just to take matters into my own hands

Once I'm over these tracks man

I'ma never look back

(8 Mile Rd.)

And I'm gone

I don't like where I'm goin

Sorry mama I've grown

I must travel alone

Ain't no followin no footsteps

I'm makin my own

Only way I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Rd.

Walkin these traintracks

Tryin to regain back the spirit I have

'Fore I go back to the same crap (SMASH!)

To the same plant

And the same pants

Tryin to chase rap

Gotta move A.S.A.P.

Get a new plan

Mama's got a new man

Poor little baby sister

She don't understand

Sits in front of the TV, bury's her nose in the pad

And just colors until the crayon gets dull in her hand

While she colors her big brother, her mother, and dad

Ain't no tellin what really goes on in her little head

Wish I could be the daddy that neither one of us had

But I keep runnin from somethin I never wanted so bad

Sometimes I get upset

Cuz I ain't blew up yet

It's like I grew up, but I aint grownin two nuts yet

Don't gotta rap my step

Don't got enough pep

The pressure's too much man

I'm just tryin to do what's best

And I try

Sit alone and I cry

Yo I won't tell a lie

Not a moment goes by

That I don't pray to the sky

Please I'm beggin you God

Please don't let me be pigeon holdin on regular job

Yo I hope you can hear me hommie

Wherever you are

Yo I'm tellin you dog

I'm bailin this trailor tomorrow

Tell my mother I love her

Kiss baby sister goodbye

Say whenever you need me baby

I'm never too far

But yo, I gotta get out there

The only way I know

And I'ma do that for you

On the second that I blow

On everything I own

I'll make it on my own

Off to work I go

Back to this 8 Mile Rd.


Ya gotta live it to feel it

If you didn't you wouldn't get it

We'll see what the big deal is

Why it wasn't, it still is

To be walkin this border line of Detroit city's limit

It's different, it's a certain significant certificate ofauthenticity

You'd never even see

But it's everything to me

It's my credibility

You've never seen, heard, smell, or met an MC

Who's incredible and on the same pedistool as me

But check

Still unsigned

Havin a rough time

Sit on the porch with all my friend's who kick dumb rhymes

Go to work

And servin MC's in the lunch line

But when it come's crunch time

Where do my punch lines go?

Who must I show?

To bust my flow?

Where must I go?

Who must I know?

Or am I just another crab in the bucket

Cuz I ain't havin no luck with this little rabbit so fuck it

Maybe I need a new outlit

I'm startin to doubt shit

I'm feelin a little scepticle

Of who I hang out with

I look like a bum

Yo my clothes ain't about shit

At the Salvation Army

Tryin to salvage and outfit

And it's cold

Tryin to travel this road

Plus I feel like I'm only stuck in this battlin mode

My defenses are so up

And one thing I don't want

Is pity from no one

The city is no fun

There is no sun

And it's so dark

Sometimes I feel like I'm just being pulled apart

Being torn in my limbs

By each one of my friends

Enough to just make me wanna jump outta my skin

Sometimes I feel like a robot

Sometimes I just know not what I'm doin

I just blow

My head is a stove top

I just explode

The kettle gets so hot

Sometimes my mouth just overloads the acid I don't got

But I've learned

It's time for me to U-Turn

Yo it only takes one time for me to get burnt

Ain't no fallin

No next time

Imeet a new girl

I can no longer play stupid

Or be immature

I've got every ingredient

All I need is the courage

Like I already got to beat

All I need is the words

Got the urge

Suddenly its a search

Suddenly a new verse of energy has occured

Time to show these free world leaders

Three in the third

I am no longer scared now

I'm free as a bird

And I turn and cross over

The median curb

Hit the burbs and all you see is a blur on 8 mile rd.


dimecres, 4 de maig del 2011


Euthanasia is the intentional killing of a dependent human being, supposedly for his or her benefit. This can be both by act or by omission. Euthanasia often arises polemic between the people that defend it and those who are against it.

I agree to this practise because is the person that want to pass to another life. I disagree therefore with the merciful who say that a person's life is very important, is true but I think that the person suffering a disease must decide What to do with his life and also inhuman suffer so.

In my opinion government must change the law there nowdays because I think it isn't well thought, is a one thing with which I disagree but isn't the only.

I hope that the new government change this law because is insane to let a person suffer so, and also I hope that my friends give their opinion about this problem and and comment on my blog.

diumenge, 1 de maig del 2011


Her name is Ana. She is 19. She lives in Málaga and studies second batxillerat of social. She has long brown hair, her eyes are brown and his mouth is normal.

Ana isn't very tall but she is thin and has an exellent phsical, she is very beautiful. Ana is a great friend of mine. If you meet Ana she is a shy but later is a friendly and funny person.

One problem with his character is when you annoying her, she has a very hard character. In general she has a good personality.

She is hardworking and competitive, but sometimes when she hasn't got desire to do nothing he prefers sleeping and have a good time. She is also intelligent. If you want to have a fun time you have to go with him.

In my opinion I think that I have a similar character. In general Ana is a great friend and is a person that never fails you.